
157 people perish in air crash


In what would go down in history as one of the biggest aircraft accidents ever an Ethiopian Airlines plane carrying 157 people crashed soon after takeoff killing all on board. The plane crashed on Sunday morning just 6 minutes after takeoff from Addis Ababa airport en route to Nairobi, Kenya.

Of the 157 people 149 for were passengers and 9 were crew. Details regarding the cause of the crash are awaited the plane was a Boeing 737-8 MAX plane purchased as recently as November 2018 by the Ethiopian National career.

Ethiopian Airlines is considered one of the best careers in the whole of Africa and maintains the largest fleet in the continent. The crash occurred around Bishoftu about 50 km south of the capital at 8:44 AM local time. EBC the Ethiopian state broadcaster confirmed the tragedy stating that the dead passengers included 33 nationalities while the Prime Minister’s office offered deepest condolences.

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