
Tiktok access curtailed

Tiktok access curtailed

Chinese video app Tik Tok has been removed from Play Stores of Google and Apple in India. Tiktok is a controversial App and is currently under legislative scrutiny as the Madras High Court requested the central government to ban  it as it is believed to encourage child pornography. The app was removed from Google and Apple Play Stores following request of the Ministry of Information and Technology to the technology Giants to remove them.

Madras High Court ruling lists several reasons for demanding a ban including possibility of children being exposed to sexual predators, making children victims to Cyber crime, pornographic content, violation of privacy and it’s addictive nature. The Madras High Court turned down a request from China’s Bytedance Technology- the owner and operator of Tik Tok to suspend its ruling.

Tiktok allows people to make short video clips with special effects and share them. India has seen a spurt of popularity in Tik Tok in recent months as 54 million people have already downloaded it.

A recent BBC investigation into Tik Tok  recorded several pedophilic interactions and comments in this App, investigation also found that though Tik Tok can remove illegal comments and content it does not offer the option to block or remove the person responsible for such content.

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